Hi! I am Laurie, and I welcome you here. Allow me to introduce myself and tell you a little more about me:
I am white settler on the lands of the Cherokee people, who are the past, present, and future stewards of these Appalachian Mountains where I live and work. My ancestors are colonizer-settlers from the British Isles, Germany, Slovakia, France, and Italy. I share my lineage to situate myself as a person who, along with my ancestors, has benefitted from hundreds of years of colonization. I recognize my capacity to commit harm and my equally great responsibility to contribute to the restoration of harmony and balance through unlearning and divesting from White Colonial Capitalist Patriarchy. I am in ongoing inquiry and accountability to how this lives in my nervous system and relationships, as well as the long term work of white-bodied anti-racist culture building. This is life-long work for me.
Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor,
Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist,
certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
certified Transforming Touch Therapist®.
Safe and Sound Protocol Provider
Education and training:
Masters of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (2014)
216-hour Somatic Experiencing Professional Training Program (2018)
92-hour Transforming the Experience-Based Brain® Certificate (2021)
Safe and Sound Protocol Provider Training (2020)
Somatic and Attachment Focused EMDR, Personal Transformation Institute (2017)
500-hour training in Massage and Bodywork Therapy, Center for Massage and Natural Healing (2007)
*I acknowledge that majority of the education I have received and the credentials I hold are based in a colonial framework, which is seated in capitalism and white supremacy culture. I am a student of the Decolonial Moment and seek to be accountable with my ongoing work and to be in service of the teachings. I encourage other white folks who are interested in this divesting from colonialism and be in right relationship to pay to learn from Black, Indigenous, and Femmes of Color.
"Unlearning and Healing the White Colonial Mind" (renamed "REMEMBER") with Dra. Rocio Rosales-Meza (2021, 2022)
"Engaging with Decolonization Through Somatics" with Amber McZeal (2021)
"Engaging with Our Ancestors for Intergenerational Healing" (2021) with Dr. Jennifer Mullan
I have also been informed and nourished by courses, supervision, community, magic, and ritual:
"Reparative Community Consultations for White Bodies" (ongoing) Resmaa Menakem and Education for Racial Equity
"Foundations in Somatic Abolitionism" (2022, 2023) Resmaa Menakem and Education for Racial Equity
"Embodied Ancestral Inquiry" (ongoing) with Wildbody Somatics
"NeuroAffective Touch" Module 1 (2023) with Aline LaPierre
"Our Winter's Dreaming," "Dreaming with the Moon" (2022) and "Forces of Nature" (ongoing) with Shannon Willis at Red Earth Healing
"Certificate in Somatic Embodiment and Regulation Strategies" with Linda Thai (2022)
"Secure Attach: Relationship Ready" and "Healing Complex Trauma" (2021) with Annie Brook
We are the Culture Makers with Kelly Diels (2021)
"Foundations of Ritual," Animist Psychology," "Practical Animism," and "Ancestral Lineage Healing" (2021), "Ritual for Healing Trauma" (2023) with Daniel Foor
"We Are Finding Freedom: White Women Taking on Our Own White Supremacy" Kari Points and Evangeline Weiss (2020)
"Healing Cycles of Harm" with Reclaiming Our Own Transcendence (R.O.O.T.) (2020)
Nourish to Flourish with Marcie Goldman (2020)
Therapy Mastermind Circle with Dianne Poole Heller (2018)
MS, SEP, LCMHC (#11482), LMBT (#07419)